Please complete the form and send to us at [email protected] or [email protected] in respect to your request.
Clinic Primary Care Service: [email protected]
Clinic Specialist Service: [email protected]
Pharmacy: [email protected]
Clinic: (604) 285-3222
Pharmacy: (604) 285-2555
1008-8181 Cambie Road, Richmond BC.
Clinic Q&A
– We do provide Telephone consultation for patients, but certain appointments like first visit for the ICBC or WCB claim, physician exam, and driver’s medical exam are only available for in-person visit.
– Your personal medical information are highly confidential and sensitive, we will
book an telephone appointment for you to communicate with our doctors.
– Once we have doctor’s approval to release your medical document, we can print the document out for pick up, or we can email the document to your email address once you sign the electronic communication consent form.
Pharmacy Q&A
COVID-19 Vaccine related
Nursing Q&A / Home Care